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Fit Me!

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Fit Me!





Note to students

This website is organized as follows. The side navigation serves a static menu to navigate across pages on this website. We provide you with a template of what we want to see from your project pages, the contents can be edited on a per project basis.



FitMe is a personalized health assistant that empowers users to achieve their unique fitness and wellness goals by providing tailored guidance in exercise and nutrition. With custom workout plans that take biometrics and injuries into account, meal suggestions that align with dietary needs and preferences, FitMe makes it easy to stay motivated and informed. Whether aiming to lose weight, build strength, or enhance endurance, FitMe is designed to support healthy lifestyle choices that lead to lasting change, transforming fitness from a goal into a simple and sustainable journey. </p>

Workflow Diagram

List of Resources

Resources Links
1. Ontology (a) Our Ontology
2. Term List (a) Mapped Vocabularies
3. SPARQL Queries (a) Queries
3. Presentations: (a) Project presentations during class